There were some great ideas that couldn’t run but they still are part of the Virgo story. For example É in 2010 was going to help choosing between restaurants with a complex recommendation service using menus and table reservation systems. Even though we were able to sell the application, without the support of the restaurant owners it was never successful.
Crowd testing and smart content offering
TestJockey, the startup receiving multiple regional awards is also a Virgo story that started as an internal startup led by Péter Vidos. The goal of the project was to offer a cloud based solution and service to the crowd testing of mobile applications. It connects users from around the world that have a mobile device and are interested in testing with mobile app developers to create the most efficient global testing platform. The idea and the execution received many prestigious awards, in 2014 on the Hungarian Innovation TechShow the jury of investors, successful startuppers and icons of the industry chose TestJockey the best startup. It started a promising international career but it was struggling to find its place among the largest global companies on the market. A team of almost exactly the same people tried finding the whole on the mobile testing market in 2015 with Apptalk.Ninja, that was offering network diagnostic solutions to mobile app developers.
Our smart content recommending framework for portal owners and administrators also startated as an internal idea execution in 2014. Youmetry is a preference registry that stores numbers linked to keywords and is connected to social media sites.
PushApp, a mobile notification system, was also a Virgo internal initiative. The idea offers cost efficient communication solutions for banks and insurance companies. Mingo was created as a marketplace and support database for realtor-investor-bank online collaborations.
E-bikes, Beachegg and community charging stations
In the second half of 2010 IoT was the hottest and most exciting topic that we didn’t want to be left out of, so this too is a great Virgo story. Servo Movement is a once Virgo idea that was started to develop light weight electric vehicles and was led by Balázs Csapó. The startup today is developing community charging station systems that are reforming urban transportation, they became Powershare, the solution to e-scooter charging problems.
Some unusual innovations were born as well such as the world’s first beach safe. Beachegg offers relaxed, robbery free beach experience, it won the ITU Telecom World pitch competition in 2015, later its introduction was well received on the EHV Summit in Germany and on the CeBit in Hannover.
E-commerce profit maximizing toolset
The most recent Virgo spin-off company is Smart Trade Applications in 2020. The big data based digital toolset helps those with e-commerce presence to maximize their profit. The first piece of this toolset is PriceKit, the e-commerce pricing supporting tool.